welcome to INET
contact  inet

Irish Nepalese Educational Trust 
46 Swanbrook Bray
Co. Wicklow Ireland
(++353) (0)1 276 0276
Charity No. CHY 10590

Some useful links

Trekking with Dhana Khaling Rai and Wilder Places Nepal
Contact: wintreks@wlink.com.np

Nepal Tourism Board

Nepal Times - weekly news:

Mount Everest news and views

Royal Nepalese Embassy London

Alexandra College Dublin

Nepal Mountaineering Association

Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal

Saraptarangi Trust Nepal

Krishna Rai Trekking Guide

Suraj Rai Media Man

The Mountaineering Council of Ireland
Our projects
  1. Dawson Stelfox MBE, the first Irishman to climb Mount Everest, is Patron of INET. In his role as architect, Dawson designed a simple school building and this has been built in the Solu district with funds raised by pupils and staff of Alexandra College Dublin and INET.
  3. INET, the Irish Nepalese Educational Trust raises money to improve educational opportunities for  people who live in the remote Solu Khumbu region of the Nepalese Himalaya. It aims to improve educational opportunities and development for all local people.
  4. Whenever possible visiting INET Directors and Dhana Khaling Rai discuss all the projects to be funded with the local communities in Nepal (see photos.) These discussions are at local level to ensure the project is needed and also to find out the extent of local involvement. Environmental and health issues are a prime concern.
  5.  INET places great importance on project sustainability and encourages those which involve the whole community. Local voluntary effort is encouraged and many villagers have shown great kindness by donating land and labour towards these activities.
  6. This year a new children’s house and a playing field for a neighbouring village school in Nuntala have been built so football and volleyball matches can be played between the schools.
  7. Saraptarangi Trust is the organisation Dhana and other volunteers started up in Nepal to facilitate these projects. It also acts as an interface with INET in connection with funding and developing these activities. Registered in Kathmandu, Saptarangi which means ‘rainbow’ is subject to Nepalese government regulations and the accounts are audited annually in the same way that they are for INET in Ireland.