About INET
About INET
During the 1990s, while on expeditions to the Himalaya, some strong and lasting friendships were made by Irish mountaineers and trekkers with the hill people of the Solu-Khumbu district of Nepal. These hardworking, resourceful, and cheerful mountain people made a deep impression on all who met them. Out of this serendipitous association between those who love the mountains and those who live among them, INET would eventually emerge some years later.
•NEPAL is one of the most beautiful yet one of the least developed countries in the world. There are few roads in the mountainous Solu-Khumbu district and this factor, added to the steepness of the terrain in that region, makes life difficult for the farmers who work the land. Education is key to combat poverty and to empower people to help them improve their lives. Supporting educational projects was felt to be an appropriate way to give something back to the people of Solu Khumbu whose work with the first Irish Everest, and further expeditions, had been so significant.
•INET’S WORK IN NEPAL Since its inception, INET’s main focus is the education of children, as well as community and environmental development. Schools have been built in the villages of Phuleli, Rapchha, Nunthala, Kophu, Juving, Waku, and Hatemu, with additional community houses in the villages of Chhee and Phuleli. INET has supported research into reforestation projects, small electricity schemes, irrigation and environmental education. This work, which greatly enhances the present and future opportunities of the children and adults of these remote villages, is enabled by the great contribution of Irish individuals, schools, groups and organisations. What began as an initiative of the mountaineering community has found generous support from the wider Irish community.
•INET is an entirely "hands on" voluntary charity, registered in Ireland. The directors are all volunteers who fund their own expenses for the charity’s activities, including all travel to Nepal.
•IN ADDITION Following the terrible Nepal earthquakes of 2015, a small team from INET travelled and trekked up to the Solu Khumbu and carried out a comprehensive survey of the damaged buildings in the villages. Emergency fund raising took place in Ireland. The response was excellent, and included several of the original 1993 Irish Everest team members raising much needed finance by giving lectures and performing concerts of traditional Irish music. Earthquake resistant repairs and rebuilding have been completed at several schools including a new infants school in the remote village of Hakula.
A Message from Dhana in Nepal: “Namaste - Greetings and Congratulations from Saptarangi Foundation Nepal on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of INET 1999-2019. We are very grateful to the Irish Nepalese Educational Trust (INET) of Ireland, all the charitable organizations who have financed our projects, and all the supporters who have helped us so much. All of your remarkable educational contributions, and valuable efforts, in the lap of the Mount Everest region, have become a glowing light in the rural villages; such as Phuleli, Nunthala, Rapchha, Jubing, Hatemu, Kophu, Waku and Hangkula. All these efforts have been changing the Himalaya rural lives for the better, and into the future, by connecting us towards the momentum of the globalizing modern World. We are very grateful that you have been able to make such a big difference to our lives. Once again, a Big Thank You from me, as well as on behalf of Saptarangi Foundation Nepal, and the Nepalese people.” Dhana Bahadur Rai - Chairperson Saptarangi Foundation Nepal
A Message from Dawson Stelfox INET Patron: “Over the last few years, and in particular after the devastating 2015 earthquakes, I have visited all of the INET supported projects in Nepal and come away each time with an overwhelming sense of how our relatively modest funds have made such a significant difference to the lives and futures of the people of these high Himalayan valleys. This is in no small part due to the resourcefulness and ingenuity of Dhana and his team and it is always humbling to witness. The Solu Khumbu has historically not attracted the attention that the areas closer to Everest have. Those villages away from the main tourist trails still lag behind in investment and this is the main motivation behind the latest Bal Vatika at Hakula, but there is no doubt that the work of INET over the last 20 years has greatly improved the prospects of these remarkable people. As INET’s focus now turns towards supporting local development projects - allowing the next generations to stay in the mountains, retaining their culture, language and traditions whilst enjoying a satisfying and rewarding lifestyle - it is even more important that those of us who understand and value the power of mountain landscapes go and visit Nepal and help them build a sustainable, 21st century, mountain community.”